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Asian American

Acapella Alliance


Finding the intersection between Acapella and Asian/Asian American Identity


Kopitonez is a co‐ed Asian‐interest a cappella group founded in 1998, that aims to promote the awareness of Asian culture through the art of singing in languages such as Japanese, Korean, Taiwanese, English, and more. They achieve this through collaborating with other organizations, performing at various events (especially cultural events) on and off campus, and by holding concerts throughout the year. They also give back to the community through caroling, volunteering, and fundraising for charities. Kopitonez is never afraid to make fools of themselves...well some of them. Also they have muscles. Kopitonezs first Quad A was in 2014, and they will be participating in this years as well!


                    Kopitonez's Facebook | Kopitonez's Website | Kopitonez's Twitter

                                  Contact Kopitonez at


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